Writing Life

Pre-Conference Roundup

So many bloggers are doing posts about preparing for the RWA National Conference that it’d be stupid and redundant for me to try to add anything. So here’s a roundup […]

I’m blogging at Rose City Romance Writers today, where I made a very public confession of one of my most serious lifetime flaws, complete with pictures. Get a glimpse of […]

Amphibian. Allegory.

My friend and one-time critique partner, R. Scott Shanks, Jr., has been having some frustrations getting his website up and running, so he decided to post to his blog, instead. […]

Sticky pixels and electronic cork

I’ve been experimenting with doing more thorough pre-planning/outlining/storyboarding.  I’ve always written a pretty thorough synopsis and had a clear idea of the overall story, but there came a point in […]

How about burning 600 Calories a day while writing with a treadmill desk? And here’s info on how to buy or build one. I am so there Mega-thanks to Jonathan […]

Marketing expert Seth Godin spoke to recording industry execs recently about the changes they’re going to have to make to survive in the new music market. Well, the publishing industry […]

I found a piece by Steve Martin at the Smithsonian Magazine website today. Even though the title is Being Funny, it’s not really about being funny. It’s about professionalism, finding […]