Lisa Hendrix

The $100 Pot of Chili

On Sunday morning, 17 called and asked if he could have some friends over for a last-minute SuperBowl party.  Now this surprised me, because he’s a theater kid and neither […]

Progress Report

I’m chugging along on my effort to reduce the size of my ass, down, as of this morning, by some 3 pounds. Not the progress I wanted, but progress. If you […]

My really crappy week

Actually, it had its high point, that being the inauguration of President Obama and the sight of that big Marine helicopter soaring off with his predecessor. (Oorah!) Even as we […]

Hope 2009

I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.  Following is the text of President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address: My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, […]

…at Something Wicked. Come hang out with the Wicked Authors and me and see if we can stir up some mischief.  

A standing stone with runes plays a key role in IMMORTAL WARRIOR, but if I’d seen this wonderful augmented exhibit from the Cultural History Museum in Randers, Denmark, it might […]

I was going to blog about that here, but I had a commitment over at Shapeshifter Romance, so I blessed them with my wit and perspicacity instead (though I’ll undoubtedly […]