Beauty in everyday items
I followed a link from BoingBoing today and discovered the wonderful blog for PingMag, “The Tokyo based magazine about Design and Making Things.” They cover all sorts of traditional and […]
I followed a link from BoingBoing today and discovered the wonderful blog for PingMag, “The Tokyo based magazine about Design and Making Things.” They cover all sorts of traditional and […]
Yep, our English ancestors enjoyed naughty jokes, riddles, and puns, just as much as we do. Inspired by a post by Janelle Denison at Plotmonkeys, I offer this riddle in […]
Okay, I can’t. But I bet these guys can. (Tried to imbed the video, but failed miserably, so you have to CLICK HERE.) I love this stuff. Always wanted to […]
I’ve noticed my speech patterns getting lazy–full of stuff, sort of, like, um, this. I don’t want my writing to get that way, so I’m working on it, and I’ve […]
…Romantic Movies and Molten Chocolate Cake. Not everyone wants to spend Valentine’s evening in an overpriced restaurant. Some of us like to curl up next to the person we love […]
Remember those dioramas we used to do as kids? Well, one of my favorite diversions Boing-Boing (“A directory of wonderful things”), has an article today on Lori Nix, an artist […]
I found a piece by Steve Martin at the Smithsonian Magazine website today. Even though the title is Being Funny, it’s not really about being funny. It’s about professionalism, finding […]
My favorite technology blog, LifeHacker: tips and downloads for getting things done, had a great post today linking to 10 *free* online writing courses. The original article from Education Portal […]